You choose what you want from all the open source technologies on the web. We will administrate, back-up and manage your server environment. We also provide hardware, for sale or to rent, to fit your budget.

Your Own Internet Server can host any number of Internet Services including: IGotAfrica provides Linux as an Oprating System. Other Operating Systems are supported and IGotAfrica will assist in obtaining licenses for other Operating Systems.
- Backup Server
- Database Server
- Dialup Server
- DNS Server
- File Sharing Server
- Firewall
- FTP Server
- Internet Web Server
- Internet Cache Server
- Mailing List Server
- Multimedia Streaming Server (for Internet Radio or Web Cams)
- POP E-Mail Server
- Proxy Server
- Web-Based E-Mail Server
- Setup starting from: ZAR 6500.00
- Monthly Fee starting from: ZAR 6500
- All Technical Administration tasks are handled by
Our basic server boasts these features:
- 1 Dedicated IPv4 address
- IPv6 subnet (/64)
- Traffic statistics
- Reverse DNS administration
- DDoS protection
- Firewall
- Free phone support
- Free email support
- 24/7 on-site service in our data centers
- 2.53 Tbit Bandwidth
- Redundant network
- Juniper routing technology
- High-speed access to all Internet uplinks
- Network Availability min. 99.9%